Thursday, August 27, 2020

Key features of Gold Loans

The distinctiveness of a particular thing can be identified from the features it possesses. A product or service features help make it stand out and easily be identified from the crowd. A gold loan is one of the credit policies with attractive features that make it desirable for the borrowing individual or entity. It is extended by the lending institutions (banks and non-banking financial companies) to help the borrowing individual or entity financially by providing instant funds. The demand for this credit facility takes a leap every once in a while due to the constant updates and enhancement of this facility's features by the lending organizations (banks and non-banking financial companies).

The features of this facility may vary for different financial organizations. Some key features of the gold loans are as follows:

  • The borrower can apply and access funds from the gold loan policy through the online platform. The borrower needs to fill in an application form and mention all details asked by the lender, scan the documents, upload them, and submit them for further verification without paying a visit to the lender. This option has made financial services reachable for individuals and entities. The Muthoot Finance gold loan policy can be applied on the web without any troublesome procedure.
  • The interest rates charged by the lenders are comparatively low, and this is one of the points that are considered to be an engaging benefit of availing of this advance. The cost of interest charged by the lenders is indispensable, and it can have a massive impact on the total cost of availing of this facility. 
  • Unlike other credit forms, this facility does not have a protracted and torturously lengthy process. The borrowing individual or entity does not have to be bothered for long to get funds under this option. The processing takes up to a few hours, and mostly, the lending organizations (banks and non-banking financial companies) even sanction and disburse the whole amount within 45 minutes, satisfying their motive of providing cash at the earliest. 
  • Minimal documentation and paperwork is another feature of a loan against the yellow metal. In the case of a gold loan, the documents demanded are the primary KYC documents that can be easily prevented by the borrower without feeling the burden.
  • The payment arrangement is manageable, and it has to be as per the borrower's repayment capacity. 
  • If the borrower wants to estimate and understand the repayment method better, they can use the Gold Loan Calculator. This calculator is a helpful accessory for those who want to contemplate their expenses before applying for a credit of a certain amount.

The points discussed above are the attributes that help the borrower form an opinion about a gold loan. These facilities come along with advantageous characteristics.

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